It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

November 04, 2004

The Sunday School Party

So some of my friends have been talking about why Mr. Kerry didn't get to be president and they keep mentioning "moral values" and how some people think that Mr. Kerry and his party don't have any and also how they need to market themselves better to people who go to church.

So, I was thinking about changing the name of the Democratic Party to the Sunday School Party. In Sunday School they teach us to be nice to everyone, even icky boys, old people even if they smell funny, and boys who like other boys. They teach us not to lie about anything, especially WMD, ties to Al-Qaeda, and Haliburton. And not to steal things, like money, especially from people who don't have very much. And to help people and try to make sick people feel better, whether it's through better healthcare, cheaper prescription drugs, or new medical treatments and procedures. And to take care of the earth and all of God's wonderful creatures. And not to kill thousands of people. And to say you're sorry when you do something bad or make a mistake.

Shouldn't we all try really, really, really hard to be nice to each other instead of mean? It would really make the world a nicer and sunnier place.