It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 14, 2005

George "Funny Guy" Bush

(Mark)Leibovich writes: "Like many politicians, Bush has always used humor as an icebreaker or all-purpose tool of endearment. But he has recently been unleashing (or inflicting) his inner-laugh-riot to a point where he is resembling a Texas auctioneer pitching private accounts on the Borscht Belt. . . .

"One benefit of being the commander-in-chief is that people are usually inclined to laugh at your jokes -- especially, in Bush's case, when your events tend to be presidential amen sessions restricted to ticketed believers. . . .

Evidently George Bush fancies himself a funny guy. I admit there is a lot to laugh at. And if you don't laugh, you'll surely cry.

Wasn't that a hoot when we found out that Iraq didn't have any WMDs?

And what about that crazy Iran-friendly anti-women government that's blossoming in Iraq? Boy, that had me rolling on the floor for days!

And his plan to dismantle social security? Ha! Milk. Spewing out my nose!

Please, quit your day job!