It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

May 27, 2005

Here we go again

Those crazy liberal conspiracy theorists are at it again. Those sillies think we're gonna invade Iran next month.

Don't they understand that George Bush is a god-fearing good Christian man that cares about humanity? He would never do such a thing.

The money that you and I and future generations pay for these wars is growing every day. The number of people that die for King George goes up every day. What little good-will we have with other nations grows weaker and weaker every day. Our economy gets worse, the price of oil is skyrocketing, and I'm pissed!

Where the hell does he think he's gonna get soldiers from to fight this new and exciting war? Recruiting is way down. People aren't drinking the kool-aid. Bush's approval numbers are on a steady decline.

But I guess there's always those frozen embryos that we could use for troops. I'm sure women who support the cause would be willing to give nine months of their lives to produce a healthy soldier to fight in one of Bush's wars. Forget stem cell research, we've got countries to invade!

Not sure how we could do such a thing given our lack of resources. But then that's never stopped us before, at least in this Administration. Nothing I hear from these clowns surprises me anymore.

The only interesting thing to look forward to is finding out the creative ways the 'liberal' media will spin it so that the American people will think it's a good idea.

Yippee! More killing!


  • At May 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Right you are. Enlistment is way down. Do you feel a chilly draft coming on?

  • At May 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yikes! Takes up residence under the table for the duration of Bush's term. Unfortunately, you have all the chess moves lined up and your hypothesis is entirely and sadly reasonable.


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