It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

May 05, 2005

The vagina rant of the day

I love to hear women rant about vaginas, and I assume many of my readers, both male and female feel the same way.

This is by far the best 'episiotomy' post I've read since the big news came out yesterday that episitomies do more harm than good to women.

The CBC story omits just *how* episiotomies were supposed to help
"improve their sex lives." The answer?--"the husband stitch."

The husband stitch refers to the practice where (predominantly male)
doctors, typically without consulting their female patient, stitch up
that incision and then helpfully keep stitching, to make the post-birth
vaginal opening even smaller than it was before delivery, in order to
keep things "nice and tight" for the husband. You know, the same way they
do with third-world female genital mutilation practices.

Would someone care to explain how slicing open my perineum and then
over-stitching me is going to improve *my* sex life? And why haven't
doctors ever decided that slicing men open would improve their sex

That shameless hussy! I can't believe that a member of the weaker sex would have the audacity to put down and question male doctors. She should just shut her little pie hole, fix her man his supper, fetch his slippers and not worry her pretty little head about what they want to do to her vagina.


  • At May 05, 2005, Blogger John Howard said…

    I really would rather not have anything to do with any mutilated vaginas.

  • At May 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry, JRH, I disagree. Vaginas are for men's pleasure. If they can be surgically improved, I'm for it! If women want sexual pleasure, or, hell, even decent post-natal care, let them get a dildo. Not one of those huge dildos that make me feel inadequate, but a nice four-inch dildo. But, yeah, the surgery. I'm all for that!

  • At May 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There was a time women were not aware what the Dr. was doing - just get me out of here! Wome are becoming much more aware and assertive, telling the Dr. what they want. Wonder why so many more women opt for midwife delivery? Sad that the male population thinks they own our vaginas and can legislate what happens to it.

  • At May 05, 2005, Blogger Isaac Carmichael said…

    Our country has a proud heritage of vaginal legislation. Who can forget the first ever vagina monlouge, which occured during the Lincoln-Douglas debates? Ask not what your country can do for your vagina, but what your vagina can do for your country!

  • At May 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gee, could midwifery be a desirable alternative? Can women have babies without the intervention of doctors? OK, seriously, a lot of deliveries are made safer for both the woman and the babies by occuring in a hospital setting.

    But I know of more than one in which delivery was delayed so the doc could get there in time to collect his fee.

  • At May 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't really care all that much for vagina rants.

    I much prefer women who brag about them.

  • At May 05, 2005, Blogger Sylvana said…

    It's all about the guy. I will open an account and when I give them my husband's info to put him on the account too- they will make him primary even though I am the one openning the account. Then when I call to try and get some customer service they will tell me that they can't talk to me about it, they'll have to talk to him. When I ask why he's primary even though I was the one that set up the account they say that it's their policy because otherwise the man will get mad. AM I NOT MAD ENOUGH FOR YOU, ASSHOLE?!!!

  • At May 06, 2005, Blogger cookie christine said…

    Goodness. I think someone needs a nap.

    Let's all take a deep breath, relax and brag about our vaginas for Ricky. I hear he likes that kind of thing.

  • At May 07, 2005, Blogger dosali said…

    My vagina has only ever had a yeast infection after taking antibiotics. Is that bragging too much?

  • At May 08, 2005, Blogger Morrigan said…

    Hey, mine handled natural childbirth twice.

    How's that for bragging?


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