It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

June 26, 2005

Offering therapy to the insurgency

U.S. officials held secret talks in Iraq with the commanders of several Iraqi
insurgent groups recently in an attempt to open a dialogue with them, a
British newspaper reported Sunday.


We aren't negotiating with terrorists are we? Or were we trying to understand them? Or offer them therapy? Especially after Karl Rove accused 'liberals' of wanting to use such girlie tactics. Such blatant hypocrisy in your government? I'm shocked!!

I just cant' believe that the big and tough and mightly U.S.military would do such a thing.

And since, according to Dick Cheney, but contrary to to reality, the insurgency is in it's last throes, I just don't see why these kinds of extreme measures are even neccessary.