It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

November 08, 2004

Do these Garanimals make me look fat?

My friend got a letter sent home to her parents today, that was "folded for privacy" so we had to open it and see what it said. It said she was fat. Some of the other kids made fun of her and she started crying.

I think we should have more PE and Health to teach us how not to be fat instead of sending home these mean letters. Or at the very least investigate the new technologies of "stapling for privacy" or "putting in a sealed envelope for privacy."


  • At November 09, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Cookie,
    There are mean people everywhere that attempt to mask their evil nature by stating they do what they do for the good of others.(We wont mention any Bible Belt Republican names because that would be mean).


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