It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

December 03, 2004

Bernard Kerik

Last night my friend told me that Bush had recommended a new Secretary of Homeland Security and his name is Bernard Kerik. At first I giggled because Bernard is just kind of a funny name. Then I asked who this guy was and stuff. All my friend knew was that he was the police commissioner in New York after 9/11 and didn't do much for serious crime but got rid of a lot of petty crime.

Now that didn't make me feel very safe because the Secretary of Homeland Security needs to protect us against more than pick-pocketing and shoplifting. Terrorism is serious business.

So today, I did a little more research on this fellow, and here's what I found. He's not very competent and doesn't have much high-level government experience. Having someone like him in charge of Homeland Security is kind of scary. He did help in Mr. Bush's campaign, but I don't think that should qualify him to be a Secretary.

According to The American Prospect this could be "a lesson in how functionally irrelevant most cabinet secretaries are these days, or yet another indication of the degree to which the current administration values loyalty and symbolism over competence and substance."

Either one sounds really bad to me.