It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

January 11, 2005

Matthew Yglesias Turns 3

Matthew Yglesias' weblog turns 3 today. And he enlightens us with the story of how his blog started.

Eventually, the girlfriend dumped me and I broke up. But on the plus side when we were together she used to want to be a political pundit but was pessimistic about a young person's ability to break into the field. So in a sense, the whole enterprise has been driven by loneliness and then, later, the loftier sentiment of spite.

Thank you Matthew for rationalizing lonliness and spite as reasons to accomplish things!

Yea! I'm not the only one!

I've only been reading Matthew's blog for about six months, but I've always been impressed with this insight and perspective. Congratulations on three years!!