It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

January 25, 2005

Mr. Dayton Rips Condi a New One

Nice Mr. Mark Dayton from Minnesota made a nice speech about how he doesn't like being lied to by the Bush Administration. I wish all the Senators would feel the same way Mr. Dayton feels, because I don't want a Secretary of State that lies to the Senators or to me or to anyone. Especially about important things like whether Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and whether we should go to war.

I think we should only go to war if we have to, and if Condi or anyone else tries to withhold information or lie to the Senators who are voting on that stuff, then we might accidentally go to war when we don't need to. And if we go to war when we don't need to, then a lot of people can get hurt and killed for no good reason and our allies think we are foolish and don't like us anymore.

You can read the last part of his speech here, but I really like his last paragraph a lot.

I don't like to impugn anyone's integrity, but I really don't like being lied to - repeatedly, flagrantly, intentionally. It's wrong, it's unDemocratic, it's unAmerican, and it's dangerous. It is very, very dangerous. And it is occuring far too frequently in this administration. And this Congress, this Senate, must demand that it stop now. My vote against this nomination is my statement that this administration's lying must stop now. I urge my colleagues to join me in this demand. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, we are all, all of us, first and foremost, Americans. We must be told the truth if we're to govern our contry and to preserve our world, and this is why we must vote against this nomination.