It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

January 05, 2005

Now You Can Use the S-Word in Congress

In a startling move by legislators in the House and a victory to S-Word utterers everywhere, members of the House of Representatives are now allowed to say "Senate" on the floor rather than "the other body". And they can even mention Senators by name now. How's that for progress?

This was an rule in the House dating back to the days of Thomas Jefferson to protect House members from personally attacking members of the Senate, as they are not allowed on the House floor and thus cannot defend themselves.

If they find that refering to Senators by their names is a problem, they could always resort to Pig Latin.

ob-Bay ham-Gray is so much ooler-Cay and arter-Smay than el-May artinez-May.