It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

January 07, 2005

Why Medical Malpractice Caps are Worthless

Ricky over at BottleOfBlog does a phenomenal job of explaining why the caps on medical malpractice lawsuits that Our Leader is pushing won't help anyone except the insurance industry.

In short, the results clearly invalidate the expectations of cap proponents. To review the surprising facts:

* Insurers in states with caps raised their premiums at a significantly faster pace than those in states without caps.

* Even with the imposition of caps, insurers in nearly nine out of ten states continued to raise rates, while insurers in states without caps were actually more likely to hold or cut their premium rates.

* In states with caps, insurers are more likely to charge med mal premiums exceeding the national median than those in states without caps.

...caps on pain and suffering will save the insurance industry money.
But none of that money will get passed onto doctors in the form of lower
premiums. None of that money will get passed onto the public in the form
of lower medical insurance premium costs. None of that money will get
passed onto the public in the form of lower health care costs.

But then he also quotes Shakespeare in the kitchen while making toast:

"Out vile jelly!" I like to shout at the jelly. "Where is thy lustre now?"

However that should in no way nullify his findings on medical malpractice lawsuit caps.