It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

February 18, 2005

How Much Will You Lose Under Bush's Social Security Plan

Since I'm not very good at math, I found this website to figure how much social security money I'll get under the current plan and under Bush's plan.

It turns out that I get $5,900 more per year under the current plan. And the U.S. won't incur several trillion dollars of additional debt under the current plan. So, why does Mr. Bush want to make it worse? I don't get it.

He's been flip-flopping back on forth on possibly raising the salary cap where rich people stop paying social security taxes, and is currently for it, I think. But Mr. Delay (the one being investigated in for campaign finance fraud) and Mr. Hastert (the jowly man that sat behind Mr. Bush during the SOTU speech) don't want the rich people to have to pay the same percentage of taxes as the poor people. How mean is that?