It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

February 25, 2005

Marines Having Recruiting Problems

It seems that the Marines are having a tough time recruiting young men and women to fight Bush's wars. Go figure.

The Iraq war's dampening effect on recruiting has led to a plan by the Marine Corps to put hundreds of additional recruiters on the streets over the next several months and offer new re-enlistment bonuses of up to $35,000, military officials said Thursday.

Recruiters and other military officials say the "Falluja effect" - a steady drumbeat of military casualties from Iraq, punctuated by graphic televised images of urban combat - is searing an image into the public eye that Marine officers say is difficult to overcome.

There's that darned liberal media portraying war as a situation where it's participants might be killed or maimed. "Searing an image into the public eye" of what war is really like??? The truth?? That treasonous main stream media! We want lies!! Lies!! Lies that make us blissfully ignorant about the realities of war!

Here in the U.S, we really need to work harder on our propaganda. Why not tell the potential recruitees that if they die, there will be 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven. That certainly works for the Muslims. Maybe Fox "News" and Jeff Gannon can work on a recruiting video that "sears" images of buff Marines and 72 virgins into them minds of the public. Give it away for free on cable TV! Hand it out at the porno stores! Free downloads on the internet! That's how you motivate young people today.


  • At February 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And the images that we do see are so mild. It's the hard fact of death and dismemberment in a pointless cause that is hurting recruiting across the board.

    If reporters were free to, and had the guts to cover Iraq the way Vietnam was covered, they would have to have a may be coming as it is.

    But using Gannon/Guckert as the poster boy may be a mistake. All they would get is a bunch of don't ask don't tell recruits, and alienate 90% of the pool.


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