It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 15, 2005

The Brawny Man

Brawny paper towels has a website with some fun videos! Click on Innocent Escapes and pick one!

Here's some of my favorites:
Ten Little Toes... A foot massage where he seductively says "None of these little piggies are going to the market today"

Your Hair, It's Perfect... he wrote a nice poem about your haircut

Your hair, like an angels
Turning heads of strangers
Clinging like a river on your cheek

I don't have the last line yet,
but you see where this is going.

And then, he talks about how he saws wood to relax:
Sometimes when I'm having a hard day and need to do something to make me feel better, I saw wood.... Come, saw some wood with me.... That's it. Yeah... Better? I feel better too.

I'm never gonna look at anther roll of paper towels in the same way again.

via NPR