It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 01, 2005

Embarrassing? Or Outright Fraud??

"I guess that's a little bit embarrassing in light of the election."

That's what a spokesman for ChoicePoint admitted after it was found out that 57,700 legal voters were scrubbed from the Florida rolls in 2000 because Choicepoint, Inc. provided Florida the names of folks that committed misdemeanors and not felonies in Texas. Not only that, ChoicePoint was a big donor to Republican candidates in 2000. And Katherine Harris and Jeb! used ChoicePoint to purge all those African-American "felons" form the voter roles in Florida.

Embarrassing is when the teacher calls on you and you don't know the answer. Or when you start your period, and don't realize it until you have a little red spot on your ass. Or when the cute boy at lunch tells you have spinach in your teeth.

What ChoicePoint did is not embarrassing, it's FRAUD.