It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 21, 2005

My two-cents on Terri

I've been reading a lot about the Terri Schiavo thingy today, and can't say as I have much to add.

I really liked Digbys post

By now most people who read liberal blogs are aware that George
W. Bush signed a law in Texas that expressly gave hospitals the right
to remove life support if the patient could not pay and there was no
hope of revival, regardless of the patient's family's wishes. It is
called the Texas Futile Care Law. Under this law, a baby was removed
from life support against his mother's wishes in Texas just this week.
A 68 year old man was given a temporary reprieve by the Texas courts
just yesterday.

and Ezra's post.

It's becoming cliche to point out this or that statement of Tom
DeLay's as enough to make you ill, but his latest on Schiavo is
really unconscionable:

"She talks and she laughs and she expresses likes and
discomforts," he said Sunday evening.

My God, you'd think her a three year old, giggling at Blue's
Clues and slapping away the mashed peas-bearing rocket ship when it
approaches her mouth. That she's really an inert woman whose
cerebral cortex has liquified and whose every twitch is being
interpreted as signs of higher consciousness makes DeLay's lie
all the sadder -- he's misrepresenting the brain damaged.

and the Carpetbagger's post:

But leave it to Republicans in Congress to push this
controversy to a new, almost unthinkable, low.

An unsigned one-page memo, distributed to Republican senators,
said the debate over Schiavo would appeal to the party's base,
or core, supporters. The memo singled out Sen. Bill Nelson
(D-Fla.), who is up for reelection next year and is potentially
vulnerable in a state President Bush won last year.

"This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be
excited that the Senate is debating this important issue," said
thememo, which was reported by ABC News and later given to The
Washington Post. "This is a great political issue, because
Senator Nelson of Florida has already refused to become a
cosponsor and this is a tough issue for Democrats."

And there's really not much I can add.

So I figured I'd go over to the right blogosphere, where progressives don't usually tread, armed with both a good grasp of the facts in the case and a bottle of Tums.

Here's some of the lunacy that I found.

This, from a Lesbien c'est moi, a Canadian Lesbian who speaks French(probably the ONLY french-speaking lesbian in Canada that supports the Bush agenda):

I would like to suggest an extension of our voices in opposition
to the crimes being committed against Terri. I say we make a strong
and symbolic stand. I think we should send food and water BY THE
BOXFULLS to the Hospice Center. Keep sending and encouraging people
to send until they decide to stop this murder and feed Terri.

How about if they send boxfulls of beer and pretzels over to my place instead and maybe a good movie and some Sudafed, because I'm sick of hearing about it on TV news shows. I was feeling a little under the weather today, so I stayed home from work. Boy did I pick a crappy day for that. Nothing but Terri on the teevee. I'm so very tired of hearing about this personal family matter. It shouldn't be a polital spectacle and a ploy to keep the evangelicals voting Republican. It should be a private family matter, and certainly, the federal government should not be involved. They need to let Terri die and end the family's suffering as well as mine.