It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

October 31, 2005

The Bible through Legos

OK, it's getting late in the afternoon, so instead of perusing this entire website for the rest of the day, I guess I'll share with the rest of the class.

It's Bible stories shown through legos.

I draw your attention to the ones from Leviticus. Because we all know Leviticus is where the dirty parts are.

And if after viewing those, you still haven't gotten enough, check out the instructions for marriage and instructions for women.

They get a little graphic, but from what I understand, they are all consenting adult legos, so they are safe for work and viewing them won't land you in the pokey.

via Demagogue


  • At October 31, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is just plain weird. Leave it too you , but I like it!


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