It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

November 29, 2004

Mr. Jackson and Election Standards

I heard on NPR this morning that Jesse Jackson is with the nice people in Ohio who want to do a recount and stuff. I guess he's not happy with the way they did the election there and wants to find some stuff out.

I found this article that explains most of what I heard on NPR, but NPR also reported that Mr. Jackson is going to push for a constitutional amendment to have nation-wide election standards.

I think that's a good idea, but is now a good time for that? When the executive and legislative branches have so many republicans in them? If they did an amendment like that, I bet they bad people in charge would just make those nation-wide standards something like "We will always win and you will always lose." And that wouldn't be fair.