It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

November 16, 2004

They're gonna recount Ohio! They're gonna recount Ohio!

So, I guess the nice people in the Green and Libertarian Parties got a bunch of people to donate money to pay for a recount in Ohio. It should be fun to see what comes of it. But I guess they can't recount until the votes are certified and that won't happen until December 6th, maybe. And then, the electorial votes are not cast until December 13th. And the votes are not opened by Congress until Jan 6th.

They keep saying that this will probably not change the outcome of the election, but let's keep hope alive here on the internets!

What if they don't find out until Jan 6th and Bush doesn't get to be president again. I don't know about Washington D.C., but here in Tampa, when mommy and me got evicted from our apartment, they had to give us a month's notice. Will Bush just get 14 days notice? Is that enough time to rent the moving truck and get the electric and cable and water transfered?