It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

December 07, 2004

Dr. Frist, Please Report to Emergency

I got in trouble yesterday for playing doctor. And I think Mr. Frist should get in trouble too, because it sounds like he's 'playing' doctor too. No self-respecting doctor would say the wrong-bad-mis-information-spreading-lying-like-a-rug things that he said.

Now, I didn't know that Mr. Frist was a doctor until I read this. But now I know why he decided to leave medicine and go into politics. He must not be a very good doctor if he thinks you can get HIV from tears and sweat.

OK, here's a test for you medical people out there:

Q. How can you get HIV(choose all that apply)

1. Blood
2. Sweat
3. Tears
4. Toenail clippings
5. Toejam
6. Snot
7. Eye buggers

You think this will keep Conservatives off the wrestling and basketball teams? Or keep Conservatives from consoling their friends who might be crying?

Conservatives Don't Let Conservatives Console Their Crying Cohorts!