It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

January 25, 2005

The Hypocrisy of Evangelicals

Fubar from Needlenose has a nice post which links to a nice article from Christianity Today about how some people who say they are Christians don't practice what they preach.

Divorce is more common among "born-again" Christians than in the
general American population. Only 6 percent of evangelicals tithe. White evangelicals are the most likely people to object to neighbors of another
race. Josh McDowell has pointed out that the sexual promiscuity of
evangelical youth is only a little less outrageous than that of their
nonevangelical peers.

As fubar states:
Acting human, like the rest of society isn't a sin. Claiming moral
superiority while acting otherwise, however, is another thing altogether.
Add politics and you get a toxic sludge of hypocrisy and power.

I agreee with fubar. He's smart.


  • At February 01, 2005, Blogger T said…

    If acting human means to follow your desire and lust without any questioning then it certainly can be a sin.

  • At February 01, 2005, Blogger cookie christine said…

    If acting human means to follow your desire and lust without any questioning then it certainly can be a sin.

    Yes, but my point is, if you "follow your desire and lust without any questioning," and also are a hypocrit about it and throw stones at others that behave similarly, then you are twice guilty.


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