It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

January 14, 2005


Jesus must be listening to me because I've been praying for Mr. Bush to start apologize to the American people for all the horrible things he's done. I was hoping he might bring up the whole Iraq-no-WMD-no-ties-to-Al-Qaeda-thingy. But you've got to start somewhere.

"Sometimes, words have consequences you don’t intend them to mean," Bush said Thursday. "’Bring ’em on’ is the classic example, when I was really trying to rally the troops and make it clear to them that I fully understood, you know, what a great job they were doing. And those words had an unintended consequence. It kind of, some interpreted it to be defiance in the face of danger. That certainly wasn’t the case."

George, you are on your way to non-poopy-head status. Keep up the good work!