It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

February 18, 2005

Howard Dean's Debate With Richard Perle

This is a funny story....

Perle defended the Iraq war with a tired line about the intelligence being the best available blah blah blah that even he didn't sound like he believed. Of course, it's hard to sound too convincing when you're dodging a shoe thrown at you by an audience member screaming "Motherfucking liar."

The "motherfucking liar guy", or MFLG, kinda stole the show for a while. Remember that part in Austin Powers when Dr. Evil dumps Will Ferrell into his trap oven chamber thingy and then can't get on with his evil meeting because you here Will Ferrell screaming for the next several minutes -- think that. Perle kept trying to continue, and although the MFLG had been removed from the main theatre area, one could hear him screaming his signature line, with a few "Let me go, motherfuckers" thrown in.

Even though MFLG has a potty mouth, it still made me giggle. Just don't tell mommy.