It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

February 02, 2005

Yea!! Social Security!!!

Mr. Henry Reid, who is the Senate Minority Leader, and I think pretty good at math, added up how many votes he has against Social Security Privatization and he's sure that there are more votes against it than for it.

When I read that, I got all atwitter! So I wrote this nice cheer for Mr. Reid and all the nice people in the House and Senate that understand math and how private accounts will be a bad thing.

Reid, Reid, he's our star.
He'll be going mighty far!
Mr. Bush is raving mad
and private accounts will not be had!

Social Security will be saved
Our benefits will not be waived!
In the Senate we've got the votes
To beat those Republican goats!

Go..... Mr. Reid!!!!