It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 29, 2005

How The Sheep Industry Can Help You Pay For College

I found this post on MSNBC and thought of my friend, Ellen, who is trying to figure out how to pay for college and can also crochet a mean scarf.

Knit your way to a college education

Like many high school students, Megan Schier is stitching together money for college, but she's doing it literally, winning a $1,500 scholarship from the American Sheep Industry for knitting and sewing an outfit with wool.

I think there are other was to get 'in' with the American Sheep Industry, but it looks like knitting will get ya there, and it's a lot less messy and if your mom catches you, you won't get into trouble.

Now I don't know if Ricky or Jerry have designs on going back to school, but if they do, I think they'd have this one in the bag.

...if you and your date can turn duct tape into prom outfits, you could split $5,000.

Um, I mean not as each other's dates. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but with a date of their chosing. I'm pretty sure they are both straight.