It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 24, 2005

The Real Reason For Rummy's Trip To Guatemala

Rummy explains cup sizes to Guatemalan president Oscar Berger

Rummy: How long it takes to find a bra? What's going on in there? You ask me to get a pair of underwear, I'm back in two know about the cup sizes and all? They have different cups.

Oscar: I-I know about the cups.

Rummy: You got the A, B, C the D. That's the biggest.

Oscar: I know the D is the biggest. I've based my whole life on knowing that the D is the biggest.


  • At March 24, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And the Yellow Rose knows that, thanks to his daddy, "C" is the passing, and "D" means "Damned good" and not "Dry hole," like he drilled every freaking time when he ran an oil company, and yet was still able to sell his stock for a huge profit, just ahead of, but not related to (as in 'insider trading', the demise of his companies.

  • At March 24, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And the Yellow Rose knows that, thanks to his daddy, "C" is passing, and "D" means "Damned good" and not "Dry hole," like he drilled every freaking time when he ran an oil company, and yet was still able to sell his stock for a huge profit, just ahead of, but not related to (as in 'insider trading',) the demise of his companies.

  • At March 25, 2005, Blogger John Howard said…

    Get out of here! Lycra-spandex?


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