It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 01, 2005

Promises, Promises

What a mean nasty man.

Four years ago state lawmakers made a promise: In exchange for
setting caps on damages in nursing home negligence cases, Florida
would pay to increase staffing to improve the quality of care
residents receive.

Today, Gov. Jeb Bush is backing away from his promise. He's
recommending the state delay the nursing home staff increase so that
he can give people tax cuts and save the state about $65 million
this year.

My mommy always taught me to keep my promises. I guess maybe Barbara Bush didn't instill in Jeb! the same morals and values as my mommy.

And not only us Jeb! breaking this promise, it's really, really hurting old people. I know sometimes they smell funny and say silly things, but they need our help.

We understand that other needy segments of society compete for
Medicaid money, but it would be grossly unfair to mandate a staff
increase and leave it to the nursing homes to figure out how to pay
for it.

The only way to manage a staff increase without funding would be to
eliminate services now provided residents - programs that affect their
quality of life.

While looking to improve efficiencies, the governor should not turn his
back on the reforms he promised Florida's most frail citizens.

I think Jeb! is making Jesus cry.