It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

May 06, 2005

The Church of the Spongy Fungi

Well folks, I'm out of here for the weekend. If you don't hear from me by Monday morning, you'll know that the bus came by and I got on. Yes, the bat phone went off, and I've been summoned to make a pilgrimage to the Church of the Spongy Fungi.

Yes, folks, it's been 15 years now since morel fever took hold
around here... and the symptoms get worse every year. But it hasn't
killed us yet, so once again this year we'll kick the poop off our
boots, strap on our funny hats, and celebrate our annual Spring Ritual
of Appeasement here at the Church of the Spongy Fungi.

Are you ready? Are you hungry? Are you... Experienced?

Well then, let's eat! It's time to wash the kids, tie up the animals,
lock up the gates and get at it. Put on your dancing shoes and your
loose-in-the-waist jeans and bring your shining selves to the

15th Annual Morel Fest Potluck - Cookout - Party... thingie!!!

Ok, it's also time to come up with a good name for the Blessed Event,
but you KNOW what I'm talking about.

This year, in honor of our 15th Anniversary (and to cut down on traffic
jams) your humble hosts are happy to announce that the Gathering is now
an honest-to-goodness POT LUCK SHINDIG!

Now, don't be worrying and thinking about that nasty jello with the
marshmallows you had at the last picnic at your regular church. If
you've been here to the C. of the S. F. before, then you know that in
our flock are a bunch of gourmets, gourmands, epicures, foodies,
connoiseurs, recovering restaurant cooks and various other exotic
creatures who should all have their own cooking shows. And the rest,
well, they damn well know their way around the deli section.

So dust off your covered dish recipes and whomp up something good to
bring along. If everyone tries to outdo everyone else's culinary
skills, well, we'll be eating pretty darn good that night. On the
other hand... remember that all are welcome here at the C. of the S.F.
If you have limited access or ability in the kitchen due to lack of
time, lack of interest, lack of funds, young children, or court
order... well, let's just say your correspondent is not the only one
among us with a secret love for those tiny little fried chicken
drumsticks. Those are the bomb.

And also don't worry if, like me, you know that morels are best
consumed accompanied by a grilled slab of meat... we'll have some
grills as usual if you want to bring something to burn. You just might
have to wait a little longer for suppertime. And as always, if you'd
like to bring a little extra of your favorite beverage to share with
the rest of The Faithful, by all means please do.

So, that about covers it... We hope you can join us and we look
forward to seeing you!


Mere hours ago, your faithful host returned breathless and jubilant
from the home of two of our brethren, veterans of many Morel Party
Thingies and friends of all -- who have just ascended to the station of


An Event of Historic Proportion and Significance has occurred.

Growing in our friends' gravel driveway, naturally and with no evidence
of dead elm, abandoned apple orchard, or extraterrestrial visitation,

That's right, in A GRAVEL DRIVEWAY!

Out of... um, "respect for his privacy," his name and address will not
be revealed at this time.

The Elders of the C. of the S.F. have been summoned to Lawrence to
convene a council to review the canon and determine if one or both of
our friends might be The One.

In the meantime, I will sell everything I own and pitch a tent in their
yard to await the instruction & bidding of my new Master.

And probably to wash his car.
In the driveway.

Let the rejoicing begin...

Let the rejoicing begin, indeed!


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