It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

May 23, 2005


I generally love a good article on wormholes. Wormholes make learning physics bearable and, well, 'wormhole' just sounds naughty.

But this article was a little disturbing. I guess some renegade physicists think that wormholes aren't real practical for time travel. And that really bums me out.

A separate study by Chris Fewster, of the University of York, UK, and
Thomas Roman, of Central Connecticut State University, US, takes a
different approach to tackling the question of wormholes.

Amongst other things, their analysis deals with the proposal that wormhole
throats could be kept open using arbitrarily small amounts of exotic matter.

Fewster and Roman calculated that, even if it were possible to build such a wormhole, its throat would probably be too small for time travel.

It might - in theory - be possible to carefully fine-tune the geometry of
the wormhole so that the wormhole throat became big enough for a person
to fit through, says Fewster.

But building a wormhole with a throat radius big enough to just fit a proton
would require fine-tuning to within one part in 10 to the power of 30. A
human-sized wormhole would require fine-tuning to within one part in 10 to
the power of 60.

"Frankly no engineer is going to be able to do that," said the York

But if we can't have wormholes anymore, at least we still have black holes, bosons, all of Newton's Laws of Motion, strong interactions, units, moments of inertia, and for those of you that are into fantasy, there's always fictitous forces and virtual objects.

Physics is so sexy.


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