A girl in Alabama was not allowed to participate in her high school graduation because she was pregnant. She completed all of her course work at home and was eligible to graduate and receive her diploma. Her name was not even printed in the graduation program.
So Alysha Cosby took matters into her own hands. She went to her graduation ceremony, called her own name, then walked across the stage. After that, she and her mom and aunt were escorted out of the room my police.
Not only that, the father of the baby was in her graduating class and did participate in the ceremony.
I just shake my head in disbelief when I see things like this happening in my country.
So Alysha Cosby took matters into her own hands. She went to her graduation ceremony, called her own name, then walked across the stage. After that, she and her mom and aunt were escorted out of the room my police.
Not only that, the father of the baby was in her graduating class and did participate in the ceremony.
I just shake my head in disbelief when I see things like this happening in my country.
At May 19, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Huh? Is Alabama this country?
At May 20, 2005,
Morrigan said…
Those school officials acted like a buncha chickensh#t bastards.
In my humble little opinion.
At May 20, 2005,
Sylvana said…
You know Alabama has it's own alphabet, so maybe it's not in this country.
At May 20, 2005,
oldwhitelady said…
I'm glad the girl did that! She has every right to do so. Her parents pay school taxes, I'll bet.
At May 22, 2005,
Anonymous said…
A sign should be posted on all major highways at Alabama's boarders reading "Welcome to the Bible Belt where only white baptist males rule...we don't need to follow any stinking civil rights rules 'cause we make our own and always will!"
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