It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

June 09, 2005

Save our libraries from the homos

Ronda Storms
Hillsborough County Commissioner

Dear Ms. Storms,

When I heard about your crusade to rid our Hillsborough County libraries of displays to promote Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, I felt a distinct tinge of civic pride, affection for you (in a purely heterosexual way, of course), and love for the great county of Hillsborough, FL.

As you can see from these pictures, recruiters for the gay lifestyle are infiltrating our public libraries and making innocent godly straight children into flaming homos. We must protect our children from this terrible blight and take down those gay pride displays.

But since we can't make the homos go away, I was wondering if you can introduce legislation to make gay pride month only a week or day. A month is way too long to put up with gay and lesbians being proud. They should spend more days of the year being shamed and embarrassed, rather than proud.

Also, I commend you in your efforts to fight the forces that my require you to explain homosexuality to your daughter. It is much easier to teach discrimination and hatred to our children than tolerance and love for all mankind.

I wish you the best of luck in your quest,


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