It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

June 06, 2005

What the fake Christians are up to

I find it very disturbing that the Governor of Texas is making a spectacle of signing an anti-choice, anti-gay bill in a church.

Making good on a Republican campaign call to celebrate with
"Christian friends," Gov. Rick Perry traveled to an evangelical school
here on Sunday to put his signature on measures to restrict abortion
and prohibit same-sex marriage.

About 100 protesters lined the street outside the school, Calvary
Christian Academy, denouncing the unusual signing as breaching the
constitutional separation between church and state.


Several professors at Southern Methodist University in Dallas denounced
the planned event as rare, if not unprecedented, by a Texas governor.

The Rev. Robin Lovin, a Methodist minister and an S.M.U. professor
holding the Maguire Chair in Ethics, said, "There are lots of reasons
to go to church on Sunday, but making laws isn't one of them."

Now, it's been a long time since I'm been to Sunday School, but from what I remember, Jesus spent most of his time trying to feed poor people and help sick people and get people to get along and not fight and be mean, right? I don't think he spent much time contributing to politcal causes, preaching discrimination against gays or lobbying against abortion rights.

These wackos that support these causes are really undermining what Jesus taught, aren't they? All their time, money and effort is going to support causes that hurt people and none is going to causes that help people.

What happened to feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, healing the sick and providing shelter for the homeless?


  • At June 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't think they can get to the polls, and they don't have any ID to show if they do. It doesn't make sense to help them, silly!

  • At June 06, 2005, Blogger cookie christine said…

    Good point Ellen!

    But you know the blastocysts can't make it to the polls either but I'm beginning to think they have more rights than I have.


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