It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

August 26, 2005

Who Needs CIA Death Squads When We Have Wingnut Preachers

Pat Robertson isn't the only man of the cloth suggesting that we take out leaders from other sovereign nations.

Everybody's favorite homo-hating batshit Kansan, The Reverend Fred Phelps has it out for the King of Sweden.

The minister and twenty members of his congregation from the Westboro
Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, are planning to come to Sweden at the
beginning of September. They are bringing plenty of placards in order to
spread their message that Sweden is the cradle of all evil and that the
king rules a nation of sodomites.

King Carl Gustaf is their primary target.

"Your king represents your doomed country and we'll find him wherever he
may be."

I feel safer already knowing that Phelps and Company are protecting us. Don't you?


  • At August 27, 2005, Blogger Sylvana said…

    Maybe the missionaries will get drawn into the high style of Sweden and come back Ikea converts.


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