It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

May 09, 2006

The "Official White House Sponsored Enroll in Medicare Now You Lazy Old Bastards" Tour

During his whirlwind tour through God's Waiting Room in an attempt to get Medicare recipients to "get after it," George Bush might have just outdone himself in showing compassion for the sick, elderly and poor.

He walked around giving handshakes and hugs to those who rose for his
entrance, and greeted a man who remained sitting in a wheelchair with,
"You look mighty comfortable."

The nerve of that man. Not standing up to greet the Boy King.

The Government Accountability Office said last week that
federal investigators posing as senior citizens found that Medicare's
operators routinely failed to give callers accurate and complete
information about the drug benefit.

According to GAO, the federal handbooks, Web site, and 1-800 Medicare
hotline also failed to provide information that was "consistently
clear, complete, accurate, and usable," CBS News correspondent Andrew
Wyatt reported.


Two women asked him about extending the deadline, including one who
said there were logjams in the rush for those who have waited until the
end to sign up.

But Bush refuses to move the deadline.

"Deadlines are important," Mr. Bush said. "Deadlines help people
understand there is finality and people have to get after it."

Only some deadlines are good. Not allowing seniors sufficient time to get enrolled in a cryptic program designed to line the pockets of the drug company executives and stockholders - GOOD. Withdrawing troops in a timely fashion from a war based on false pretenses - BAD.

Stay with us now, ok?