It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

November 29, 2004

Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.

This nice lady in Pennsylvania who is a minister at a Methodist church told her congretation that she is a lesbian and has a committed relationship with a woman. Now, the Methodist church is being mean to her and might not let her be a minister any more.

I guess people at her church really like her a lot, and a lot of them already know about her being a lesbian. And her church is nice and friendly to gay people who want to come, too.

If they de-frock her (is that the right term?) that doesn't sound much like open hearts or open minds or open doors. I think they are Hippo-crits. I like to use the word Hippo-crits because both Hippos and hypocrites are big, fat, stinky and aren't potty trained.

Maybe the Methodists should change their slogan to "Hatred in our hearts. Closed Minds, especially about gay rights. Open doors only if you're straight even if you cheat on your spouse or rob banks or beat your kids."