It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 31, 2005

Florida Wants Jurisdiction Over Your Uterus

There are two mean, nasty and ugly anti-women abortion-related measures working their way though the legislature in Florida.

One involves parental consent and the other involves trying to make abortion clinics 'safer.'

Parents would have to be told when their daughters under 18 seek an abortion under one of two abortion measures approved Wednesday by legislative committees. The other would spell out an array of regulations for abortion clinics, from rules for sterilizing equipment and training employees to requirements for having certain rooms and equipment.

Sponsors of that bill said it is aimed at making abortion clinics safe, noting they are not regulated as thoroughly as other health care facilities. But opponents said the bill singles out abortion clinics for extra regulation as a way to make it difficult for them to operate.

How can they possibly think that parental consent laws help people? A girl who is abused and raped by her father will have to ask said abusive father for an abortion? I just don't understand why anyone besides the poor girl that got knocked up should have any say over what she does with her uterus. It's her uterus. Not her father's. Not the government's. It hers!

"The bill proceeds under a false premise, that the government can mandate communication within a dysfunctional family," said Larry Spalding, a lobbyist for the American Civil Liberties Union.

Some girls will not want their parents to know they're getting an abortion. "For many of these women, they're going to try self-help. Some will be critically injured for life; some will die," Spalding said.

Maybe we should have similar laws for men. Something along the lines of "every sperm is sacred." No whacking off. No porn. No having sex for any reason besides procreation. Those hands should only be used for God's will. Not for naughty physical pleasure. And certainly no Viagra or Cialis. It's not your penis it's mine, and you can only use it how I say.

Abortion is one of the safest gynecological procedures performed on women in the United States. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, less than 1 percent of all abortion patients experience a major complication associated with the procedure. The three main factors that affect the safety of an abortion are: 1) the gestational age of the fetus; 2) the type of procedure used; and 3) the skill of the doctor. Most abortion-related deaths and complications occur as a result of the use of anesthesia and are not related to the procedure itself. Unnecessary regulations, such as mandatory ultrasound, superfluous record-keeping, and square-footage requirements, do not enhance the safety of an abortion in any way.

However, the bill in Florida states:

abortion is an invasive surgical procedure that can lead to numerous and serious medical complications, including, but not limited to, bleeding, hemorrhage, infection, uterine perforation, blood clots, cervical tears, incomplete abortion and retained tissue, failure to actually terminate the pregnancy, free fluid in the abdomen, missed ectopic pregnancies, cardiac arrest, sepsis, respiratory arrest, reactions to anesthesia, fertility problems, emotional problems, and even death...

This is simply an assult on women. How dare they pretend to care about the health of women and lie about wanting to make clinics 'safer,' when everyone knows what will really happen if abortions aren't safe and available. Women will die. Why do Republicans hate women?


  • At March 31, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe we should have similar laws for men.

    Clearly men should be required to become Catholic. They do have your full list of prohibitions!

    ...bleeding, hemorrhage, infection, uterine perforation, blood clots, cervical tears, incomplete abortion and retained tissue, failure to actually terminate the pregnancy, free fluid in the abdomen, missed ectopic pregnancies, cardiac arrest, sepsis, respiratory arrest, reactions to anesthesia, fertility problems, emotional problems, and even death...

    Uh, aren't these complications exactly what we wanted to prevent as the consequences of "back-alley" abortions when it was illegal...except for the anaesthesia complications, of course?


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