It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

April 19, 2005

God Help Us

First, they claim not to campaign for the pope's position, like politicians do, when they really do all kinds of nasty mud-slinging.

Then they elect a pope determined to take the catholic church in a direction "toward more intolerant and authoritarian dogma."

And now, they think this is the Virgin Mary. Her vagina, maybe. But certainly not the whole Mary.

God help us on the reproductive rights issue, if they can't even identify a vagina when they see one.

via Blondsense


  • At April 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Some 90% of catholics in America use some sort of birth control. It's the 3rd world countries whose government is catholic who are screwed - without protection. I understand Bush considers this a victory for his bible thumpers and feels he now has additional political capital to spend. Wonder if Laura used bc pills? How about the twins? Hmmm.


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