It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

April 02, 2005

In Defense of Wonkette

There's been a lot of talk lately about how she was invited to chat with the National Press Club as a "liberal blogger," and how all the other more serious liberal bloggers were miffed because she talks more about ass-fucking and drinking than real live politics and policy.

They have a point. Wonkette is not where you go when you want to find out about the lasted on Bush's non-plan to dismantle social security. That's Josh Marshall. If you want to know about what's happening in the Middle East, go read Juan Cole. If you want a good overview of all progressive issues, go read Daily Kos. But if you want to laugh, go read Wonkette. Everyone has their unique talents and expertise, and Wonkette's is making people laugh with a smattering of progressive-esque humor and a healthy dose of ass-fucking.

My blog is similar. I'm not an academic. I don't have a law degree. I've never taken a political science class, and I got C's in economics. But I'm doing my part to support the progressive agenda with my little pea brain and my warped sense of humor. We all do what we can. And it takes all kinds.

No, she shouldn't be the spokesperson for the left blogosphere, but, by golly, I like reading Wonkette.


  • At April 02, 2005, Blogger boadicea said…

    It does, indeed, take all kinds.

    When you're the only one up representing, though, doing it with as much grace and competence as you can muster is appreciated.

    And if you're up there making everyone you supposedly represent look bad, expect some flack.

    As I said, my main issue is not that Wonkette is up on a panel. It's that she's the only one representing women and liberals at most of the panels I've heard about.

  • At April 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Boadicea - The blame indeed falls not on her, but on the freaking media that invites and presents as a representative of progressive, informed blogging, well, basically, a goof.

    Would that she had done better, but hell, it's Wonkette!

    Where was Kos, and Bob Somerby of "Daily Howler," and all the other informed and articlate and politically astute bloggers?

    Damn Liberal Media!

  • At April 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ...and, yeah, I must admit...this is not exactly the first time she has been used this way, and she has some responsibility to say, "No," when invited knowing how she is going to be used! But the media has a greater responsibility. But then cowards never fight a bigger enemy!

  • At April 02, 2005, Blogger kelley b. said…

    It just may be that we can't get legitimate recognition from the mainstream media.

    The whole event strikes me as a chance to let Gannon beat his breast about how he's been wronged.

    I suspect the program would be greatly skewed to that perspective no matter who was on the panel.

    But Christine, keep doing what you're doing. We do all that we can. It's a nice corner of cyberspace to pass through.


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