It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

May 11, 2005

The Pentagon needs a nap

You've seen little bratty kids right? The ones that throw a fit when they are asked to pick up their toys. The ones that think other people should have to clean up after then? The ones that think they can play with a bunch of toys all willy nilly and not take any responsibility for putting them away when they are done?

Well, the Pentagon is being a bratty kid. They are asking Congress for the third time, if they can skirt some environmental regulations. All in the name of allowing "military training exercises around the country to proceed unimpeded."

Here's how I figure the hearing will go:
Pentagon: But I don't want to clean up
Congress: Be a good boy, and pick up your toys
Pentagon: But then I can't create anti-US Islamic theocracies quite as quickly
Congress: Well, you really shouldn't be doing that either
Pentagon: Pleeeeese? They told me in Sunday School that Jesus wants us to shoot all the brown people.
Congress: What church is your father taking you to for gods, sakes?
Pentagon: I'm. Not. Gonna. *pout*
Congress: Just two years ago we agreed that these rules were fine. Do you want a time out?
Pentagon: Wahhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Congress: Good god, almighty. (thinking: But ya know, when they go to decide who gets elected to have custody, they are going to see that I supported cleaning up instead of killing the brown people) Fine. Now run along and kill some brown people, I'll just tax the poor folks here in the U.S. to clean up your mess, or maybe some of them will get sick and die, but whatever. I just don't want to be accused of not supporting the troops in 2006.

Yes, the Pentagon needs a nap, and Congress needs to decide on a single set of rules and discipline that's best for humanity and stop greedily thinking about themselves.


  • At May 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    pretty funny cookie but you are giving way too much credit to congress which, in this analysis, speaking metaphorically is nothing more than a broken down old whore only too willing to give that kid any toy he wants as long as he does her Ann Coulture style while eating a cheeseburger


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