It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

June 05, 2005

A Fun Week to Come

You all know how the Bush Administration has a nasty habit of releasing contoversial morsels to the press during other big stories?

Well it's very likely that we'll have a verdict on Michael Jackson this week.

What goofy-ass tidbit is going to come up, but get swept under the carpet by the main stream media because all their viewers want to hear is whether the King of Pop is a child molester?

Will we forget about what a scoundrel John Bolton, Bush's nominee for UN ambassador, as he gets confirmed? And how ridiculous it is that Bush and company aren't turning over the necessary documents to help the fine folks in the Senate make this big decision? Is Ken Mehlman going to finally come out of the closet?

Or will it be something newer, richer and gooey-er?