It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

June 03, 2005

Women and blogging

Amanda from Pandagon has a fabulous idea on how women bloggers can get more attention.

Luckily, an idea happened upon me while reading Rebecca Traister's
latest article in Salon criticizing the media's love of the catfight. It
was obvious all along what female bloggers need to do to garner some
attention--an all-out Jello wrestling competition. There's thousands of
worthy female bloggers who need the attention, which means that a Jello
wrestling contest would drag on for a long time as the various elimination
rounds were played out. I have a feeling this is the sort of political
writing event that would get massive amounts of coverage on CSPAN and
various other news outlets. If we drag it out long enough, before you know
it, people will be saying "Atrios who?" and "Matt who?"

As a side bonus, if we can get enough attention for this event, we can
watch Tierney struggle with the implications of the competitive nature of
all-female blogger Jello wrestling on the op-ed pages of the NY Times.
Scrabble tournaments got nothing on it.

Sign me up!


  • At June 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lime jello? I'm very picky about the flavor and colors of my wrestling pit. No orange; never orange. Can we have bits of fruit, too. Banana would work nicely and give a nice slime feel. Whew! Having to fan myself already.

  • At June 03, 2005, Blogger cookie christine said…

    I agree. Orange is bad. Cherry or lime for me. And bits of fruit are good too. I've always been partial to pears.


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