It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

June 17, 2005

Let it go, Jeb

Since the news came out that Terri Schaivo's autopsy showed that she was blind, in a persistent vegetative state and it was apparent that there were no signs of abuse or trauma, one would expect a host of apologies to come pouring in from Bill Frist, Tom DeLay, Jeb Bush and maybe even that rabid beast, Randall Terry.

However, those apologies haven't come. While sitting here waiting for the apologies to start, I found this.

Gov. Jeb Bush asked a prosecutor Friday to investigate why Terri Schiavo collapsed 15 years ago, calling into question how long it took her husband to call 911 after he found her.

For the love of God and all that's holy can't they just leave this man alone? He's lost his wife, had to deal with all sorts of deranged lunatic fundamentalists for the better part of 15 years in allowing his wife to die, as she wished. And now this!

I'm terribly sorry that Jeb and the rest of his posse was embarrassed or even humiliated by their obvious pandering to the fundies, but don't take it out on Michael Schaivo. Let it go, Jeb! Let it go. Breath deeply, say a few Hail Marys and Our Fathers and go to confession. Let it go.


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