It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 03, 2005

D.C. Residents Persnickety on Local Noise and Smoke

From the Washington Post:

Nationals' Plan for Fireworks Ignites Concerns About Noise, Smoke

The Washington Nationals wanted to open their inaugural home season with a bang on April 14. So their marketing staff settled on what seemed a natural idea: a grand fireworks display over newly renovated Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium.

Then they hatched plans to shoot explosives off after every Friday night game.

That is, until neighbors of RFK got wind of the weekly light show.

I guess those D.C. residents don't have much of a stomach for smoke and noise in their neighborhood. I mean... hello? Isn't that one of the many excuses reasons we are in Iraq. Fighting the terrorists over there and not at home?