It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 02, 2005

Yea!! I Don't Have to Share my Room with Grandma!

I want to thank all those nice people out there like Josh Marshall and Senator Henry Reid, who helped get the word out that Bush's Social Security plan is really, really bad.

Now, I don't have to share my room with grandma. She smells funny, and her clothes are wierd. So, if those mean Bush-lovin' congresscritters (I love that term! It's gender neutral and very discriptive and makes me giggle) keep being stopped from taking away those guaranteed benefits that she saved up for in her working days, she can still afford to live on her own. Yea!!!!

As Richard Cranium says:

Make no mistake about it, SS is still a sticky issue - while a lot of pols on both sides of the aisle were cagey about support / nonsupport of Plan Bush, quite a few cast their lot very early on with President Bush. Come 2006, it's time to remind voters in those districts that their congresscritter wanted to put Grandma Millie on the street. And that's how it has to be framed.

He's got a funny name, but he sure is smart.