It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 01, 2005

U.S. Behaving Like Fraternity Pledge

Ezra Klein has a nice post about a U.N. conference on womens' equality that compares the U.S. to a fraternity.

It's sad to say, but the US has begun acting like a freshman fraternity pledge in international meetings, clinging desperately to some absurd point that their frat brothers insisted they promote. Only the US isn't an annoying freshmen, it's the world's superpower. And it's not being controlled by fraternity officials, but by the Christian Right. And we're holding up and even derailing international summits along the way.

Now, if we can just get them to do the 'elephant walk' or 'hot nuts', these U.N. meetings might be a bit more interesting.