It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 16, 2005

Toga! Toga! Toga!

Congressional Republicans watching Animal House for inspiration?

The lawmakers watched inspirational speeches by the characters Otter, the Delta House president, played by Tim Matheson, and Bluto, played by the legendary late [John] Belushi.

Otter: "I think in this case we need to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires something really futile and stupid to be done on someone's part."

Bluto: "We're just the guys to do it. LET'S DO IT!!!!"

This does explain a lot, doesn't it? When you think of a senseless gang of lunatics who knowingly embrace "futile and stupid" solutions to problems, isn't the Republican congressional caucus the first group to come to mind?

In fact, it only makes sense for the Republican Study Committee to pick this movie. After all, the similarities are striking. Members of the Delta House were drunk (on beer); congressional Republicans are drunk (on power). Members of the Delta House railed against regulations (governing fraternities); congressional Republicans rail against regulations (protecting clear air and water). Members of the Delta House made radical and dangerous friends (Hell's Angels); congressional Republicans make radical and dangerous friends (Grover Norquist, Pat Robertson, Fox News, et al). Members of the Delta House were unruly, brazen, and cared little about breaking the rules. Congressional Republicans? Well, that one's too easy.

And then I see that there was an actual toga party in Washington D.C. to celebrate the Ides of March.

And why was I not invited??? I look darn tootin' good in a toga.

I'll leave you with this disturbing thought tonight:
Dennis Hastert in a toga.

Have fun with that!


  • At March 17, 2005, Blogger WebGuy said…

    Denny Hastert in a toga?

    Now that was just mean to do to your readers... My mind's eye may go blind...

  • At March 17, 2005, Blogger cookie christine said…

    Yes, but the big question is, what does your mind's eye imagine he has on under his toga???


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