It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

April 13, 2005

Anti-Gay Bias in the Military Hurting Our Global-Domination Plans

Why anyone would chose to fight in one of Bush's war's is beyond me. But that's just me. Some people feel differently and are just dying to go risk their lives for BushCo. Take Army Sgt. Robert Stout. A grenade left some schrapnel in his face, arm and legs. He got a purple heart, he's healthy again and wants to go back for more.

Only problem is, he's gay.

Given the state of the military, and the fact that they are running low on troops and recruiting and retention is down, I would think they need all the help they can get. So why not open it up to openly gay soldiers?

The military wastes a lot of money making sure that gay soldiers are either deeply closeted or ex-soldiers. According to a recent report by the Government Accountability Office, the services have spent $190 million recruiting and training replacements for gay service members kicked out during the past 10 years. More than 750 of the 9,488 men and women discharged from the military during that time, moreover, "held critical occupations"; many had training in languages important to the war on terrorism. The gay ban, in other words, is as self-defeating as it is demeaning to people who want to serve their country at a time of great need. It is long past time for it to go.

There is also absolutely no evidence that gay soldiers perform badly or effect morale. So I'd say that it appears that this anti-gay bias is hurting our world-domination plans. Does George know this?