It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

April 11, 2005

Ariel Sharon's Visit To Crawford in Pictures

A warm Crawford, TX welcome. George offers
Mr. Sharon some nice chocolates with Israeli
flags on them. 'WTF?' thinks Mr. Sharon,
'is this some kind of ploy to butter me up??
Like I need any more sweets'

A little male bonding. "Now, here's what I do.
I get out the jar of Skippy, then you know, ol'
Barney just licks it right off ya. Helps me sleep
at night if the little lady has a headache."

Good 'ol Southern Hospitality. And then
Mr. Sharon gets pushed down the stairs,
rolled under the bus, and his plea for
help with the Jewish settlements is denied.
"Y'all come back now, ya hear?"