It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

April 07, 2005

Life Imitates Jeff Foxworthy

When I first read this, I thought it was just The Rude Pundit's patented snark.

And it hasn't stopped the Minutemen themselves from kidnapping and forcing a Mexican man to hold a shirt that read, "Bryan Barton caught an illegal alien and all I got was this T-shirt," while photographing him to have a trophy to hang on the wall.

But I could not have been more wrong. This really happened!!

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -- Three volunteers patrolling the border for illegal immigrants were being investigated after a man told authorities he was held against his will and forced to pose for a picture holding a T-shirt with a mocking slogan.


The shirt read: "Bryan Barton caught an illegal alien and all I got was this T-shirt."

Who needs Blue Collar TV, when you can get these kinds of goodies just from reading AP News releases??


  • At April 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, yeah...he just sorta "co-operated" with the armed Minutemen!


    1) The border Patrol has asked, without success, these assholes to back off...seems they have been setting off detectors and causing responses to false alarms.

    2) These racist self-loving vigilantes are making "private person arrests," but have not been required to fulfill the legal requirements of doing so.

    If you measure success in terms of dollars spent by law enforcement, Border Patrol, and immigration authorities, thousands of dollars are being spent watching the Minuteman volunteers - waiting for them to commit any infraction - they are successful."


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