It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

April 04, 2005

I Hope the next Pope won't be a Dope

It seems as thought the Pope was ready to die, and wanted to die simply without "elaborate hospital technology to help prolong his life."

Now, I'm wondering if he had a written living will, or had previously told those that were close to him about his last wishes, or since he couldn't really talk these last few weeks, did he scribble it on a piece of paper?

Where were the protesters outside the Vatican with "Feed the Pope" signs? Or "Keep his heart beating" or "Prolong his suffering?"

Now there will be a new Pope, and we can only hope that he will continue preaching peace, and maybe ease up a bit on gay rights, birth control, stem cell research and that women-in-the-priesthood-thingy. According to Jesus General, this fellow, Ratzinger, is next in line for the papacy, but the bookmakers favor Dionigi Tettamanzi of Italy and Francis Arinze of Nigeria.


  • At April 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey I dig your blog. I agree Ratzinger is a scary fellow. I have proof that
    Ratzinger is really Nosferatu! The exclusive only at Agitprop.

  • At April 05, 2005, Blogger cookie christine said…

    Good work! I agree, there is a striking resemblance.

    But think. If he really is going to be the new Pope and he really is Nosferatu, perhaps the Catholic agenda will change.

    Maybe they'll be more interested in condom use as I'm sure you can get AIDS from sucking blood, right?


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